
The Borneo-IoT Project is an open-source hardware and software DIY toolkit for creating DIY aquarium LED and other aquatic smart devices.

Currently, Borneo IoT Project includes the following components:

  1. A mobile app serving as a universal wireless device user terminal.

  2. A wireless 6-channel LED PWM embedded controller module (core board) with model “BLC06MK1” and corresponding open-source firmware.

  3. A 5-channel LED aluminum PCB reference design for BLC06MK1 with model “BLB08103”, which includes red, green, blue, white, and ultraviolet UVA (or purple) LED channels, with a nominal power of 57W.

In the future, The Borneo-IoT Project will implement the following new hardwares and software:

  • A 10-channel LED PWM embedded controller module.

  • A wireless water pH and temperature monitor.

  • A multi-channel doser.

  • A water circulation pump.

  • And more.

The directory structure of the Git repository

  • client/: Mobile app source code

  • borneopy/: A open-source Python API library for devices under the Borneo-IoT Project

  • fw/: Firmware source code

    • scripts: Related Python scripts

    • cmake: CMake scripts

    • components: Common ESP-IDF component source code

    • lyfi: LED controller firmware-related source code

    • doser: Dosing pump firmware-related source code (under development)

  • hw/: Circuit design source files

    • blc06: The core board design of Buce, the 6-channel LED controller module

    • blb0657f: 6-channel 57W LED lamp aluminum PCB design

    • bld6f: 6-channel LED driver PCB design

    • blc05mk3: 5-channel LED driver PCB design (Obsoleted)

    • blb08103: 5-channel 63W LED lamp aluminum PCB design (Obsoleted)

    • 3d-models: STEP format 3D models

    • datasheets: The hardware specifications in PDF format[^3]

  • tools/: Related scripts and tools